Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Race

By: *Destiny (From The Healthy Edge January 2011)

The anticipation in the air
Awe I feel so stoked
I stretch, I skip, not knowing how this is going to fair
I get in line, hoping to not get poked
The whistle blows and we are off
Go legs Go legs Go legs go
That is I have to keep saying
I say a prayer in my heart, please legs no
Then it happens... the legs say, "I can't do this anymore"
"NO", I hear myself yelling, "you can do this, you must
Just one more mile"
I take a slower pace,
My feet are going in a single file,
Then a burst of a leap to, I face
The adrenaline, and here I go again.
Run, You can do this, I know you can
At last, the Legs say no again,
What, you can't do this to me
So I slow once more, vvvrrooom vvvrrroooom
My feet say, I will try once more.
Here we go again, the wind flowing through my hair feels amazing
The adrenaline is going.
What happened!
I thought I had no more in me
My legs would probably agree
A burst of energy hits
See ya all later, here I go again
Run little legs run, no more fits
The finish line is nearing up ahead
The excitement is building
And the last of the bursts excel
like a bullet being fired like a gun
I did it, We did it, we past the finish line
It feels good, I did not fail.



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